Comment 11 for bug 100947

Revision history for this message
Andy Altepeter (aaltepet) wrote :

Things that work in this branch:
1) automatic resizing of the top frame if the content is large. (try running zope in development mode, and you get the ZMI links in the top frame)
2) Containers show the "publish now" button if the index document is not published
3) links in the top frame go to _parent. The <base> tag has a "target" attribute that sets up the default target for links in a document!

Things that don't work:
1) logic to choose standard/legacy preview mode (e.g. preview tab of images / files / etc, but they're not all assets?)
2) The publish now button. (the new tab_preview isn't accepting the message type and feedback yet...likely these will be passed in the frame src as parameters to the top frame)
3) the preview tab of content...but containers do work.

1) Should this have a sidebar in the frame-based? We're looking that functionality
2) Should this have the SMI footer?