Comment 0 for bug 614456

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Dantel D (anothermail2006) wrote : No option to lock mouse movement+click to prevent user from interrupting

Hallo. Sikuli is a great project and it is fun working with it but there is something that bothers me and I wonder why noone else ever asked this question bevore (at least I couldnt find something similar over the search function).

Sikuli works pretty good but there is a big disadvantage making it pretty unstable for proper scripts: The mouse doesnt lock up when a script is running - so it is possible that the user will move the mouse during a critical period causing the whole script to "crash". So my question is - is there a way to lock up the mouse/keyboard during the execution of a script so the user cannot cause trouble by moving the mouse or other input?

If there is no standart for it in Sikuli - any suggestions to solve this matter?

+@developers It there is no general option for that - would it be possible to implement one?