Comment 0 for bug 581739

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AKeem (chefkoch83) wrote : Bug in open-file-dialogue

Sikuli Version 0.10
Windows XP 32-bit SP3
Java 1.6.0_18

If you want to open a .sikuli file like this:
Push "File" in the Sikuli-menu and then push "open".

Now you have displayed a part of your file-system.
If there are already .sikuli files, you will not have any problems with opening them, by click them one time and push the open button.

But if you want to open a file, because the .sikuli file you want to open is in this file, there is an opening bug. If you click the file one time (now it's marked) and then push the open-button, Sikuli thinks that this is already the .sikuli file and only opens an empty .sikuli file with unknown name.

Sikuli should open the file( without .sikuli-ending) and only launch .sikuli files not non-.sikuli files.