Comment 7 for bug 566397

Revision history for this message
RaiMan (raimund-hocke) wrote :

Ok, the syntax error reported in your first statement is raised, because the string
'C:/Users/Chris/Desktop/Chris' Stuff/Sikuli Scripts/Play Treasure Isle.sikuli/'
is broken by the additional ' in the folder name "Chris' Stuff".

This happens when restarting the saved script after reloading it. Its an internal necessity to tell all the Sikuli classes and methods where to find the images:
setBundlePath('C:/Users/Chris/Desktop/Chris' Stuff/Sikuli Scripts/Play Treasure Isle.sikuli/')

Since I cannot "see" what you are doing, I take the chance to guess and I'm not unhappy with my rate to hit the target ;-)

So again, pls. try the following: (I "guess" you are using version 0.9.9 ?-)

1. start the IDE
2. type "import os" (has nothing to do with Sikuli, is python)
3, "save as" directly to the desktop (no subfolder) as test.sikuli
4. stop IDE
5. restart IDE
6. open the test.sikuli
7. run it

If you still get any error, you really have a serious problem, that I can't "guess" right now.