Comment 2 for bug 566397

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someotherperson432423423 (someotherperson432423423-deactivatedaccount) wrote : Re: Cannot save files in Sikuli

 Saves definitely not working. Code works and runs fine when I enter into IDE on straight fresh file, but when I "Open" the file I "Saved" the code shows up in the IDE just fine, but when run I always get the error:

[sikuli] [Error] Traceback (innermost last):
  (no code object) at line 0
SyntaxError: ('invalid syntax', ('<string>', 1, 46, "setBundlePath('C:/Users/Chris/Desktop/Chris' Stuff/Sikuli Scripts/Play Treasure Isle.sikuli/')"))

Which leads me to believe the bugged "Save" functionality has something to do with it because the code runs fine when I just type it in and run it.