Comment 0 for bug 1789952

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JoePue (joepue) wrote : Sikuli Java App completely frozen

Hi RaiMan

I have a simple Java Funtkion witch will reproduce extrem cirtical problem. I can run the following method between 1-3 mins, but always after a unspecific timespan my complete java app is frozen/hanging (no exception, no log). The last log lines before the error occurs are:

[debug] RobotDesktop: captureScreen: [1213,115, 150x400]
[840595 debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (150x400)
[840595 debug] Finder2: doFind: start
[840600 debug] Finder2: doFind: in original: %99,9901 (?90) 5 msec
[840602 debug] Finder2: doFind: end 7 msec
[840602 debug] Region: findAll: BuildQueueEntry.png has appeared

It seems that the appearing of my image on the screen causes this critical bug.

// The intention of this method is to count the occurence of my image
private static int getBuildQueueSize(DSOServices dsoService) {
  int counter = 0;
  Region searchRegion = Region.create(1213, 115, 150, 400);
  Iterator<Match> it = null;
  while (true) {
    try {
        it = searchRegion.findAll(pattern("BuildQueueEntry.png").similar(0.90f));
        while (it.hasNext()) {
    } catch (FindFailed findFailed) {

OS: Win10
Java: 1.8.0_181

I hope you can help me with a Fix or Workaround!