Comment 0 for bug 1653996

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Per Hjelm (krackegott) wrote : Dropdowns that fits in the browser (Firefox) window is not visible for sikulix

Sikuli 1.1.0
Firefox 50.1.0
Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit

When I try to select something from a dropdown (HTML Select element) that fits in the browser window it wont be visible for sikuli. I made sikulix to save a screenshot when it fails, and in the screenshot the dropdown options is not visible.

If I make it so the dropdown options reaches the outside of the browser edges then it will be visible for sikulix and if I also make it to save a screenshot in that moment the dropdown options will be visible in the screenshot as well.

To make sure it wasnt just my application that was the problem i tried it on w3schools HTML select example with the same result:

This is NOT a problem on windows. I havent managed to try it on a Mac yet.

(Keep up the amazing job RaiMan!)