Comment 8 for bug 1409298

Revision history for this message
CHENG (waiche) wrote :


Currently, I encountered this issue
but I have a different solution :
- VM Jenkins slave which has the job, under Debian Wheezy
- VM with my targeted environment to test, under Windows 7 enterprise

Execution of Jenkins job :
- script shell to set/inject environment variables
- run vnc client (full screen mode) to connect to VM to test
- run robobot framework + sikuli script

All works fine, except type() command

As vnc client running in fullscreen mode, the keyboard is disabled by default

Just do the following steps in command line :

echo "Vncviewer*grabKeyboard:true">>~/.Xresources
xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

And now, it works fine for type() command