Comment 1 for bug 1381945

Revision history for this message
RaiMan (raimund-hocke) wrote :

confirmed: bug in 1.0.1

fixed in 1.1.0:

--- testscript:
reg = Region(0,0,100,100)
print "reg.TO:", reg.getAutoWaitTimeout()

with reg:
  print "TO:", getAutoWaitTimeout()
  start = time.time()
  i = 0
  while not exists(Pattern("some_not_visible.png").exact()):
    print time.time() - start
    start = time.time()
    i += 1
    if i > 1: break

--- prints
reg.TO: 0.5
TO: 0.5

--- BTW:
I do not really see an advantage using "with" for just saving some repeated usage of some_region. and having an additional indent level.

In my opinion the explicit usage of the dotted version with the prefixed region makes things much clearer and you then know throughout the script, that an undotted usage like click() addresses the screen.

--- One more thing:
In 1.1.0 there is an alternative for with:

click() # is processed against some_region

click() # now again uses SCREEN

I added this to support switching between screens in a multi monitor environment including remote screens.
But it can as well be used with a region and saves the additional indent.