Comment 0 for bug 1369432

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RaiMan (raimund-hocke) wrote : [1.1.0-Beta] Jython: user parameters from command line (after -- or --args) not contained in sys.argv


Previously I used the stable version 1.0.1 of sikuli and I could launch my sikuli script from command line with this line in my Python scipt:

p = subprocess.Popen(["/home/krgus1/devel/sikuli-1.0.1/runScript -r " + testPath +
                                          " --args " + SCRIPT_DIR + "/testConfig.config"],
                                         shell=True, cwd=SCRIPT_DIR)

where testPath is the path to my sikuli test: /bla/bla/bla/Test.sikuli
And SCRIPT_DIR is the path to the directory where this script is located. This worked I could access the arguments in my sikuli test script

And then I updated to sikuli 1.1.0

p = subprocess.Popen(["/home/krgus1/devel/sikulix1.1.0/runsikulix -r " + testPath +
                                          " --args " + SCRIPT_DIR + "/testConfig.config"],
                                         shell=True, cwd=SCRIPT_DIR)

The parameters are the same.

And now I cannot get access to the arguments in sys.argv in my sikuli test script
So either is something broken or I am doing it wrong