Comment 3 for bug 1308520

Revision history for this message
siva (dreamsivaraj) wrote :

-jar ./sikuli-ide.jar -d 3 -c
[debug] Running on Java 6 (1.6.0_51-b11)
[debug] --- Sikuli parameters ---
[debug] 1: -d
[debug] 2: 3
[debug] 3: -c
[debug] init user preferences
[debug] locale: en_US
[debug] ResourceLoaderBasic: SikuliX Package Build: 1.0.1 12SEP2013160242
[debug] ResourceLoaderBasic: check: we are running on arch: amd64
[debug] ResourceLoaderBasic: check: using Java at: /rhel5pdi/apollo/package/local_1/Linux-2.6c2.5-x86_64/JDK/JDK-4698.0-0/jdk1.6.0/jre/
[debug] ResourceLoaderBasic: check: Exists libs folder at location of jar? YES: /home/sivarajr/Sikuli/1.7/
[debug] ResourceLoaderBasic: checkLibsDir: /home/sivarajr/Sikuli/1.7/libs
[debug] ResourceLoaderBasic: loadLib: JXGrabKey
[debug] ResourceLoaderBasic: loadLib: Found: JXGrabKey
[debug] ResourceLoaderBasic: loadLib: Now loaded: JXGrabKey
[debug] ResourceLoaderBasic: checkLibsDir: Using libs at: /home/sivarajr/Sikuli/1.7/libs
[debug] Screen: initScreens: basic initialization (1 Screen(s) found)
[debug] *** monitor configuration (primary: 0) ***
[debug] Screen 0: S(0)[0,0 1855x1034]
[debug] *** end monitor configuration ***
[error] Location: outside any screen (-5, 0) - subsequent actions might not work as expected
[debug] [I18N] menuShowThumbs
[debug] ResourceLoaderBasic: loadLib: Is already loaded: JXGrabKey
[debug] Sikuli-IDE startup: 1252
[debug] MenuAction.doLoad
[debug] SikuliX Jython Support Build: 1.0.1 12SEP2013160248
[debug] ImageLocator: found 1397649925165.png in /home/sivarajr/Sikuli/1.7/tests/hello.sikuli/
[debug] FileManager: tempfile create: /tmp/sikuli-1902891673021723047.png
[debug] FileManager: tempfile create: /tmp/
[debug] JythonScriptRunner: : executeScriptHeader: adding SikuliX Lib path to sys.path
[debug] Jython: sikuli: __init__: entering
[debug] Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: entering
[debug] Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: constants
[debug] Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import Region
[debug] Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import Screen
[debug] Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: Env.addHotkey
[debug] Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import Match
[debug] Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import Pattern
[debug] Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import Location
[debug] Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import ScreenUnion
[debug] Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import Finder
[debug] ResourceLoaderBasic: loadLib: VisionProxy
[debug] ResourceLoaderBasic: loadLib: Found: VisionProxy
[error] ResourceLoaderBasic: loadLib: Fatal Error 110: loading:
[error] ResourceLoaderBasic: loadLib: Since native library was found, it might be a problem with needed dependent libraries
/home/sivarajr/Sikuli/1.7/libs/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[error] Terminating SikuliX after a fatal error(110)! Sorry, but it makes no sense to continue!
If you do not have any idea about the error cause or solution, run again
with a Debug level of 3. You might paste the output to the Q&A board.
[debug] SikuliXFinal: cleanUp: 0

I have installed opencv 2.3. The error due to opencv 2.4 not found in the machine. Please let me know 2.4 is monetary.
