Comment 6 for bug 1262394

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RaiMan (raimund-hocke) wrote : Re: Java dragDrop not working

------- Libray issue: SOLVED.
one more thing: you should repeat the setup and select options 1 and 3.
3 gives you a much smaller sikuli-java.jar, that is intended to be used in pure Java programming or Jython programming with a standalone Jython or in other IDEs.

------- Further details - JAVA VERSION?
I am running with jdk1.7.0_45.jdk too.
If you want to have a look at your Java's you have, in a Terminal:
/usr/libexec/java_home -V
lists all available Java installations on your machine

Depending on how you installed Netbeans (latest version 7.4 ?), you might run different Java inside Netbeans.

Another thing: you should set your source version to 1.6 (I am developing with Java 7, but found out, that this setting makes it more compatible)

-- mouse not working
I made some more tests and found out, that the only necessary wait (0.5 was sufficient) is between the click and mouseDown. dragDrop does not need such a wait, because this is done internally before mouseDown.
All mouse actions should work in IDE and in Java on every normal Mac app.

Since I cannot check your app here, I guess it is a special problem with it up to the possibility, that it blocks mouse actions coming from a JVM (which in the past some people experienced especially with games).