Comment 2 for bug 1213977

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Shawn Robertson (shawn-robertson) wrote : Re: Sikuli 1.0.1 not reporting failure when originating from child script

Thanks Raiman for the fast reply.

When i run my main script in version 1.0.1 it fails it shows this in the messaeg tab below in the IDE:

[error] script [ SmokeTest ] stopped with error in line 329

[error] FindFailed ( can not find P(SbExtendedFu.png) S: 0.88 on the screen. )

this is what line 329 says in my main script:


in version r930 when i run that same script it passes BUT if it did fail it would say:

[error] script [ SmokeTest ] stopped with error in line 329

[error] FindFailed ( can not find P(SbExtendedFu.png) S: 0.88 on the screen. ) in SlipsExpandedFunctionalityComplete.ts_expanded_functions() line XXX

let me know if you need anything else or if im not relaying information correctly.