Comment 0 for bug 1199882

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Tames McTigue (tamesmctigue) wrote : .observe quits before it should be finished

I'm trying to create a script that tests an installer. For some reason it quits about half way through even though I can't see any reason for it to. It runs up until after it sees and runs the "install_path_page" handler. Once it runs that handler, it quits with "[info] Exit code: 0"

This is running on Windows Server 2012 Standard using 64-bit Java 1.7.0_25 and 64-bit Sikuli IDE 1.0.0 with the "SupplementalObserveOnlyOnce" update.

After posting this as a question, RaiMan mentioned that it will stop if it has handled all the .onAppear images. I tried adding a new .onAppear image that would never show up. The script still behaves exactly the same.

Here is what I have so far. I plan on having observe run forever eventually and have the last handler stop the observation:

installer_path = 'C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\my_windows_setup.exe'
license_company = 'company'
license_name = 'name'
license_count = 1
license_key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
postgres_password = 'xxxxxxx'

def click_next():

def intro_page(event):

def eula_page(event):

def license_page(event):
    type(license_company + Key.TAB)
    type(license_name + Key.TAB)
    type(str(license_count) + Key.TAB)

def install_path_page(event):

def features_page(event):

def postgresql_path_page(event):

def postgresql_password_page(event):
    type(postgres_password + Key.TAB)

def web_ports_page(event):

def ready_to_install_page(event):

def begin_watching():
    es_installer = App(installer_path)
    wait("1373389889359.png", FOREVER)

    reg = Region(App('Setup').window(0))
    reg.onAppear("1373389041327.png", intro_page)
    reg.onAppear("1373389063530.png", eula_page)
    reg.onAppear("1373389092077.png", license_page)
    reg.onAppear("1373390507593.png", install_path_page)
    reg.onAppear("1373392574702.png", features_page)
    reg.onAppear("1373390778484.png", postgresql_path_page)
    reg.onAppear("1373391295577.png", postgresql_password_page)
    reg.onAppear("1373391322733.png", web_ports_page)
    reg.onAppear("1373391349515.png", ready_to_install_page)
