Comment 0 for bug 1199798

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Andrew Ohm (aohm) wrote : Command line arguments cut off


Sorry if this has been reported or fixed already, but it appears I am having issues running scripts with a few command line parameters.

For instance:

C:\Windows\system32>c:\Sikuli\Sikuli\sikuli-script.cmd -j6 -r c:\Sikuli\test.sikuli --args -w 2 -it 2 -te Cash -sa -c -re
-Xms64M -Xmx512M -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
-r c:\Sikuli\test.sikuli --args -w 2 -it 2 -te Cash -sa
+++ using as SIKULIX_HOME: c:\Sikuli\Sikuli\

Note the actual command I use is being truncated. This isn't a visual thing only, those parameters actually were not passed.

What's interesting, is this seems like a maximum character thing, as opposed to maximum arguments. For instance if I remove the "-te Cash" part, I get "room" for two extra command line arguments:

C:\Windows\system32>c:\Sikuli\Sikuli\sikuli-script.cmd -j6 -r c:\Sikuli\test.sikuli --args -w 2 -it 2 -sa -c -re
-Xms64M -Xmx512M -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
-r c:\Sikuli\test.sikuli --args -w 2 -it 2 -sa -c -re
+++ using as SIKULIX_HOME: c:\Sikuli\Sikuli\
+++ this Sikuli version is 32-Bit

Could this be fixed for 1.1? If a temporary fix or workaround is available that I or others who stumble upon this issue have, that'd be awesome too.