Comment 0 for bug 1800189

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Jared Ryan Clemence (jaredclemence) wrote :

The 18.06 LTS guide for mysql installation is incomplete. It lacks important information on how to install mysql in a manner that makes it function well. Another bug has been reported regarding the bind-address issue, so this bug report will only address the `ERROR 1698 (28000)` issue.


After running `sudo apt-get install mysql-server`, the system never prompts for a root password. Users familiar with Ubuntu will attempt to login using `mysql -u root -p`, and they will see `ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'`. Users unfamiliar with Ubuntu will not know what to try to connect to the newly installed server, because no matter what user-password combination they try, they are greeted with the same message.


To remedy the problem, add a section to the user guide about "Connecting to Mysql Server." In the section, note that to log into mysql for the first time that the user must use the command `sudo mysql -u root -p`, and the user must use a blank password by default.

By adding this section, new users (and veterans) will understand that the default access is restricted to the 'root' user account (sudo), the default mysql user is 'root', and the default password is ''.

Credit to the solution goes to the following You Tube Video Link, which I found after dealing with this issue over 24-hours of frustration: