Comment 8 for bug 1012247

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Märt Põder (boamaod) wrote :

Hey, Justin, I think there is some special field inside this .desktop file to say it should be included in System Settings panel.

About broader topics... Of course there is demand for desktop widgets, but I think the demand is not strong enough to give rise to a good widgets framework for GNOME. Screenlets is actually not very well designed framework, if we compare it to KDE Plasmoids for example, which has data and presentation clearly separated etc. I think even GDesklets is better designed in this respect (if we don't think of some other flaws). Screenlets has lived for a long time and is been criticized a lot, there was an initiative to redesign it as but this was never finished. Some people work on GDesklets because they think it is better... I personally have tried to convince some devs to unite efforts to create a good widgets framework for GNOME (and modify GNOME itself to make it easier to provide widgets), but nobody has been interested enough. That's why about two years ago I took up responsibility to keep Screenlets working in latest Ubuntu versions. That's the main thing I have been doing and I personally don't have plans to engage myself in massive rewriting of Screenlets. I'd say porting Plasmoids framework could be even better idea. But I welcome everybody willing to try to enhance the situation and I can help a bit.