Comment 2 for bug 646064

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masmullin (masmullin) wrote :

Hi Mike

here is how I use the setCharProperty

first: upon further review, my usage of the prefix "set" is incorrect. This is a getter function. Sorry about the confusion

second: The usage of SCI_GETTEXT/SCI_GETLINE/etc(int length, char *text) is to get Scintilla to fill the c-style string (char* text) with document text, set/getStringProperty do not do this. setReferenceProperty uses a const void* for value, thus preventing it's usage for GETLINE/GETTEXT. [ScintillaView string] does work for GETTEXT, but not for GETLINE

third: while yes I use char* (because CodeAssistor is xplatform), the issue is that Scintilla internals use char*

fourth: why the SETSAVEPOINT in [ScintillaView string]?