Comment 0 for bug 907800

Revision history for this message
Gediminas Paulauskas (menesis) wrote :

- Gradebook's /mygrades view: select widths, empty table when nothing is graded
- Gradebook input widths (make the gradebook look like a spreadsheet)
- Colors of event boxes in calendars
- Journal view when the section is not schedule or has no periods
- Horizontal scrollbar in daily view of the calendar when there are events
- Apply hover effect to (+) buttons, like primary buttons
- Gradebook tertiary navigation when there are many worksheets
- A gap is shown between batches and results in FF
- "Nothing scheduled yet." message for a section looks unstyled.
- addTimetable isn't really properly styled. The term should be in the title, I'd say.
- same with the schedule edit view.
- /report_sheets view (checkboxes in "Currently Deployed Report Sheets" shouldn't be centered, field widths in "Select report sheet to deploy" fieldset)
- Recurring options in calendar event add form

Feel free to add more.