Comment 0 for bug 661243

Revision history for this message
Jeffrey Elkner (jelkner) wrote :

In the Gradebook, clicking on a student opens a "persons" view. In the Journal this does not happen (it just highlights the student's row).

I find it most helpful to be able to click on the student from the Gradebook when I want to add a note concerning the student in question in the Intervention system. It would be very helpful to have this capability in the Journal as well, since most of my Interventions have been attendance related, and the use case:

I'm in the Journal... Oh, Johnny is absent *again*, I better make a not of that in his intervention.

has been something I wished I could do easily many times this year.

As it is now, I'm in the Journal. Johnny is absent and I want to get to his intervention. I click on Gradebook, but now I'm in a different section (see bug 661240). I switch back to Johnny's section, then click on Johnny, then click on Intervention.