Comment 2 for bug 1024814

Revision history for this message
Douglas Cerna (replaceafill) wrote : Re: "Gradebook Export" Fails for all teachers and sections

I hit this again working on the CanDo gradebooks. For the Virginia case, skillsets have titles like:

Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Personal Qualities and People Skills
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Professional Knowledge and Skills
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Technology Knowledge and Skills

Even if we use title[:31] we'd still get duplicates.

First I thought of using worksheet.__name__, since it's unique for the worksheet name in the XLS. This would work for CanDo, since skillsets have __name__s like "6617-2011-0". The problem is that the Gradebook's namechooser tries to use the title of the worksheet as __name__. So duplication is still a potential problem.

Then I thought we could use the string representation of IIntIds.getId(worksheet). AFAIK, generated IntIds are not that "long" (e.g. 998153873). We could put the worksheet title in the first row of the XLS worksheet and move the table headers to the third one (see the screenshot).
