Comment 8 for bug 580794

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David Purton (dcpurton) wrote : Re: [Bug 580794] Re: Problems compiling with Hebrew

Hi all,

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 03:50:42PM -0000, Pete Myers wrote:
> Well the LaTeX error is the error i've always got from the class, which is
> why I use XeLaTeX. The XeLaTeX error is due to the order in which packages
> are being loaded, which I have fixed at least twice before.
> Has anyone put any usepackage commands in?

Groan. I think Robert has added some, but this error is still a mystery to
me. Maybe it is a quirk of MacTex.

But bidi.sty is still being loaded before anything else in my version.

I thought you just addedd lines to load bidi.sty and xunicode.sty
explicitly before much else happens. This is still the case in the svn
version. Is this right Pete? Or did you do something else as well?
(There are a lot of differences between your file and the current svn.)

> I'll let Robert take a look at the LaTeX error and see if he can solve it.
> John, ff the attached file works for you for the moment, then I'll take
> another look at the XeLaTeX regression after my exams at the beginning of
> June.

The LaTeX error means that your TeX system can't find the default Hebrew
font... which is kind of weird now that I think about it :).

do you get any output from the command:


from a terminal?

I am assuming that you will get nothing. If this is the case, then I'm
not sure how the default setup of MacTex handles Hebrew with LaTeX. On
my linux distro, ivritex is one of the packages that provides these
hebrew files. You could try grabing it from

Perhaps MacTeX has broken hebrew support and it is assumed that everyone
will use Xetex.

I managed to convert SBL Hebrew to tfm format such that it can be used
with pdfTeX. I could dump these changes along with the SBL hebrew font
into the repository so that it is used by default.

Any comments? I know most of you use xetex, so perhaps it's not worth
it, but I'm still a fan of trying to get things to work with all tex

I haven't been able to do the same with SBL Greek. There is something
about the font that pdftex doesn't like.



David Purton
<email address hidden>

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to
strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
                                 2 Chronicles 16:9a