Comment 0 for bug 746132

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Nikodemus Siivola (nikodemus) wrote :

This is not an actual test case--I at least could not reproduce this just now. The symptom went away, and I'm not 100% sure way. ...but I just spent a while scratching my headed at an odd error, and figure the way it happened must have been *something* like this:

1. BKNR.DATASTORE compiled and loaded
2. Core dumped
3. Timestamps on source files jump without actual changes
4. New SBCL instance from the saved core.
5. Reload BKNR.DATASTORE--muchos recompilation due to the timestamps.
6. Exit SBCL.
7. Nuke core, new clean SBCL.
8. Load BKNR.DATASTORE from the compiled files.

...BOOM, trying to FIND-CLASSOID-CELL with :CREATE NIL during load of object.lisp, class PERSISTENT-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION doesn't exist.