Comment 5 for bug 640516

Revision history for this message
Joe Lobraco (jlobraco) wrote :

OK, It looks like I may have jumped the gun a little on this one. Initially, I ran my build of 1.0.42 directly from the source directory using "sh" from a different user account than I normally do. Under these conditions the test case worked fine.

However, I since have installed my new build of 1.0.24 into my system and started using it with my regular user account and the problem has reappeared. I then tried from a different user account and it worked there.

So, after investigating I have determined that my main user account has an .sbclrc file that "requires" asdf and asdf-install.

After some experimenting I have determined that the problem manifests itself only after I (require 'asdf-install) either in the .sbclrc or directly in the sbcl repl.

Basically, if I start sbcl with the --no-userinit option (and don't manually load asdf-install) the test works.

I am using the asdf-install that comes packaged with sbcl.

For reference here is my .sbclrc file in its entirety:

(require 'asdf)
(require 'asdf-install)
(setf asdf-install:*LOCATIONS* `((,(truename #P"/Users/jlobraco/cl/site/") ,(truename #P"/Users/jlobraco/cl/systems/") "Default Location")))
(push (truename #P"/Users/jlobraco/cl/systems/") asdf:*central-registry*)
