Comment 11 for bug 2029382

Revision history for this message
Robert Palm (r-p-x) wrote :

LINKFLAGS += -Wl,--export-dynamic -Wl,--no-execute-only

Disassembler: 28 printers, 1 prefilters, 4 labelers
Verify before GC [threads] [RO] [static] [dynamic] passed
Verify after GC(0) [threads] [RO] [static] [dynamic] passed
Verify after GC(1) [threads] [RO] [static] [dynamic] passed
Verify after GC(2) [threads] [RO] [static] [dynamic] passed
Verify after GC(3) [threads] [RO] [static] [dynamic] passed
Verify after GC(4) [threads] [RO] [static] [dynamic] passed
Verify after GC(5) [threads] [RO] [static] [dynamic] passed
Next gc when 96792985 bytes have been consed
Welcome to LDB, a low-level debugger for the Lisp runtime environment.
ldb> fatal error encountered in SBCL pid 52108:
maximum interrupt nesting depth (1024) exceeded

Error opening /dev/tty: Device not configured