Comment 0 for bug 1916302

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Christophe (junke-christophe) wrote :

1) When using a stateful handler in HANDLER-BIND, the behavior changes whether or not the handler is inlined or bound to a variable first (example below).

2) The preferred behavior as far as I am concerned would be to do as other implementations and allow the normal use of let-over-lambdas like in higher-order functions; this looks more aligned with the standard to me.

For context, see

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$ sbcl --no-sysinit --no-userinit
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* (let (list)
  (let ((handler (let ((x 0))
                   (lambda (c)
                     (declare (ignore c))
                     (push (incf x) list)))))
    (handler-bind ((condition handler))
      (signal 'condition)
      (signal 'condition)))
  (assert (equalp '(2 1) list)))

(let (list)
  (handler-bind ((condition (let ((x 0))
                              (lambda (c)
                                (declare (ignore c))
                                (push (incf x) list)))))
    (signal 'condition)
    (signal 'condition))
  (assert (equalp '(1 1) list)))

* *features*

Here above, the first test behaves as I expect it to, the handler mutates its local state and push a different value in LIST each time it is executed.

In the second test, it is as-if the let-over-lambda was evaluated anew each time.

Thank you.