Comment 0 for bug 1256034

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Wilfredo Velázquez-Rodríguez (zulu-inuoe) wrote :

Use case:

I create standalone sbcl applications on Windows by utilizing the save-lisp-and-die feature. Most of the time, these applications are UI applications that do not use the console and instead open up their own graphical windows for the user to interact with. In these, the console window that Windows (the O.S.) provides for SBCL is distracting.
The opening of IO towards this console window is done by the Windows (the O.S.) loader upon seeing the 'Portable Executable' flag "Subsystem" in the 'Optional Header' set to 3 (Windows Console). As part of my build process, I utilize a modified sbcl.exe that has its "Subsystem" flag set to 2 (Windows GUI). I feed it arguments via command-line for it to load up files etc and ultimately SB-EXT:SAVE-LISP-AND-DIE with a :TOPLEVEL specified.
This has worked great, until I installed the latest Windows x86 release (1.1.12). In this release the created application crashes when launched. After some experimenting with the available SBCL releases, I found that this broke as of release 1.1.2, with 1.1.1 working fine.


I've found that the application works fine when launched from a console window, crashing only on the typical case of user double-click.

Releases 1.1.2 and 1.1.1 are from:



Test case:

This is a little bit of an annoying thing to test because the use is a little esoteric, but here's my attempts at providing the least painful test case I can think of:

1) Copy sbcl.exe, making it sbclw.exe
2) Edit sbclw.exe to modify the Optional Header's Subsystem field to 2 (from 2).
  * There are various ways of doing this..
    - I typically use the PE Editor from for doing this manually.
    - Alternatively, I can provide a lisp function that performs the modification programmatically
3) Create a shortcut to sbclw.exe, probably set its start directory to something predictable (C:\home\) and set its command-line arguments to

  --eval "(progn (with-open-file (ignore \"sbcltest.out\" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)) (exit :code 0))"

4) Run sbclw through the shortcut through explorer. Notice that the file "sbcltest.out" is not created.

5) Run sbclw.exe at the command line with the same arguments:

  sbclw.exe --eval "(progn (with-open-file (ignore \"sbcltest.out\" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)) (exit :code 0))"

  Notice the file "sbcltest.out" is not created.

Windows occasionally catches the crash and reports:

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name: BEX
  Application Name: sbclw.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp: 524e56e8
  Fault Module Name: StackHash_e07c
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
  Exception Offset: 00000000
  Exception Code: c0000005
  Exception Data: 00000008
  OS Version: 6.1.7601.
  Locale ID: 1033
  Additional Information 1: e07c
  Additional Information 2: e07c7abd1e6e01ceb89acff9ddb767b4
  Additional Information 3: e9af
  Additional Information 4: e9af0ada594c3a11c2328b3bdf30b090

I'm going to get myself learned up on SBCL source and see if something stands out to me in-between these changes that might cause this to break.