Comment 93 for bug 1357321

Revision history for this message
Lorn Potter (lorn-potter) wrote :

Has that network-manager fix hit ubuntu-rtm/devel yet? Because without these qtbearer/qnam patches, I'm still seeing images loading issues.

The problem is not manually disabling the AP, but when moving (roaming) from one to another, i.e. moving from wlan coverage to 3g coverage, or from 3g to wlan

If you set up a Wlan AP, connect the phone to it, and then pull the power plug on it so that AP disappears (or walk outside), the 3g connection will become default, but the old non patched QNAM is still holding on to the now non invalid wlan configuration. Refreshing to scopes will result in nothing being downloaded. The generic plugin does not know when something is actually connected or just the interface is 'up'. It does not generate the needed signals for QNAM to continue functioning without tearing down the QNAM object.

Even worse, if you bootup with 3g connected, walk into wlan coverage, the QNAM get() request will be going through the still connected 3g connection.

The tests mentioned at do not cover "roaming" from one connected technology to another.