Comment 311 for bug 85488

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Michael Chang (thenewme91) wrote :

@jengel: What constitutes a "newer kernel"? Does the 2.6.20-16.29 in Feisty count? And do negative values have special meaning, or can we assume "-1" for the time being?
@cank1090: IIRC, Herd CDs are also live-install combo CDs, like any other -- would it be possible for you to burn the ISO to e.g. a CD-R or CD-RW and try scanning from the live CD?
@Sitsofe Wheeler: I would presume the kernel team doesn't want to go through periods of inconsistency, where we switch the USB_SUSPEND toggle on and off and on and off... it would probably infuriate users in both classes when A says "it worked two months ago, then stopped, it worked again last week, and now it stopped again", and B says "that didn't work two months, ago, it did a few weeks ago, stopped two weeks ago", etc. -- IMO it would be ideal if we could fix this at the "source" and publish those kinds of changes properly, than give the impression that users won't be able to even guess when their hardware will/will not be working. It's too bad compiling a kernel correctly is both time-consuming and hard to get right even after doing it a few times.

Based on jengel's comment... Can somebody on Feisty who has confirmed the problem, and confirmed autosuspend=0 doesn't work, try using "-1", and failing that, deleting the entire "usbcore..." and adding "usbcore.autosuspend_delay=-1" instead(1)? Simply change the value instead of adding, and run "sudo /usr/sbin/update-grub" again. I don't expect it to work, because it appears the documentation for that "feature" appeared in version 2.6.21 (2)... and my Feisty system has .20, but it's important to be certain that a workaround doesn't work _before_ saying it doesn't work (just in case the functionality went in before the documentation or I'm viewing a weird patch or the versions differ or something else)...
