Comment 1 for bug 1470841

Revision history for this message
Elise Gafford (egafford) wrote :


   If you are using Oozie, you need to use the Nameservice URI instead of the NameNode URI in your workflow files. For example, where the Nameservice ID is mycluster:

  <workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.2" name="map-reduce-wf">
      <start to="mr-node"/>
      <action name="mr-node">

From (which pulls from hdfs-site.xml):

  dfs.nameservices: my-hdp2ha-b090a511

From your cluster definition (which should be valid):
  | info | {u'HDFS': {u'NameNode': |
  | | u'hdfs://', u'Web UI': |
  | | u''}, u'JobFlow': |
  | | {u'Oozie': u''}, |
  | | u'MapReduce2': {u'Web UI': |
  | | u'', u'History |
  | | Server': u''}, u'Yarn': |
  | | {u'Web UI': u'', |
  | | u'ResourceManager': u''}, |
  | | u'Ambari Console': {u'Web UI': |
  | | u''}} |

From sahara/sahara/service/edp/oozie/
        nn_path = self.get_name_node_uri(self.cluster)
        job_parameters = {
            "jobTracker": rm_path,
            "nameNode": nn_path,
            "": hdfs_user,
            oozie_libpath_key: oozie_libpath,
            app_path: "%s%s" % (nn_path, path_to_workflow),
            "oozie.use.system.libpath": "true"}

From sahara/sahara/plugins/hdp/
    def get_name_node_uri(self, cluster):
        return cluster['info']['HDFS']['NameNode']

It seems that we've succeeded in setting up a highly available cluster, but we're hard-coding ourselves into only using Oozie through one of the nodes, rather than using the nameservice; as the [info][HDFS][NameNode] is hardcoded as of cluster creation time, and the feature did not build any sense of nameservice into Sahara.