Comment 1 for bug 911007

Revision history for this message
Jeff Johnson (n3npq) wrote :

Thank you for the translation.

There are 2 coupled issues that are pertinent to ROSA planning here
(in spite of this being an Alt bug on a heavily patched older version of RPM)

1) file pattern triggers
     rpm5.org is carrying 2 file trigger implementations at the moment.

     One of the implementations originally came from Mandriva (and might
     be what is back ported to Alt, I haven't looked).

     There's another implementation (from me) that extends %trigger syntax
     to use patterns on file/directory paths. The %trigger implementation
     was undertaken so that the scripts that run are directly present in
     *.rpm packaging and fit into existing *.spec syntax in a "natural" way. The
    Mandriva file triggers are entirely opaque to rpm which merely reads
    patterns and runs scripts. The problem is that rpm gets blamed for
    configuration failures because of the mechanism and its rather difficult
    QA to find/fix reproducers when they occur.

     One of Per Oyvind's wiki page bugs is related to this same issue.

2) apt-rpm support

     Yes, the "cache" in apt leads to a class of problems that are similar
     to the rpmdb "database" problems routinely reported as rpm "bugs".

     Meanwhile -- if ROSA is considering distributing/using/supporting apt-rpm,
     then blueprints and planning needs to be undertaken.