Comment 6 for bug 689896

Revision history for this message
Jeff Johnson (n3npq) wrote :


> Another small point:
> This line let think that berkeley-db is optional in building of rpm
> Berkeley-DB [1] optional 5.1.19 5.1.19 http://www.oracle.com/database/berkeley-db.html
> but when i try to build whitout it : i cannot. Normal?

Expected. yes. Berkeley DB has always been used in RPM,
I personally would claim MANDATORY.

Meanwhile there's lots of Berkeley DB haters around who insist
on ripping out Berkelpey DB wherever they see it. This ripping
has been done in RPM as well, where it used to be possible to
build RPM with sqlite instead of Berkeley DB.

After repeatedly asking whether there was need (no answer) and
warning that "RPM ACID" was going to cause sqlite3 to be dropped
(there's nothing per se wrong with sqlite3, just the schema that
was chosen at the time MUST be changed), the current state
of affairs is that Berkeley DB is de facto "MANDATORY" not "optional"
even if the doco claims otherwise. I'm not at all averse to re-adding
sqlite3 support, just, well, ya gotta start someplace, and there needs to
be some interest before attempting the implementation.