Comment 2 for bug 660406

Revision history for this message
Jeff Johnson (n3npq) wrote :

I should make the connection between rpmsign and --setfscontext clearer.

One of the reasons for splitting package signing into a separate rpmsign executable
is to avoid adding a
    Requires: /usr/bin/gpg
    Requires: /usr/bin/gpg2
dependency to RPM's packaging. There's a macro with a default value that controls
which executable to invoke.

Prelink has a similar attachment to RPM behavior, there's an implicit pre-requsite
onto prelink(8).

There is a similar luser expectation for --setfscontext, which has an implicit/ovious
pre-requisite of
   Requires: /sbin/restorecon
as for gpg/gpg2/prelink.

There's no one right/clear/consistent answer ... so please don't take my comments
as being against --setfscontext.