Comment 39 for bug 645300

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In , seth (seth-redhat-bugs) wrote :

> This is the process in generating the data:
> * explode every rpm containing a desktop file (including selected deps where
> appropriate)
> * extract lots of data from the desktop file
> * copy the icons from the exploded root, converting and *resizing* where
> required
> * tarring up the icon tree
> * pushing the translations and desktop metadata into a sqlite database
> This takes 4 hours on my laptop to do for fedora, or 30 minutes for rpmfusion.
> This is not something we want to do every day, for data that probably should
> only be updated once or twice a release

1. the above is only true if you run the generator everytime and you don't cache anything. Outrageously naive, I think.

2. I'm going to talk to Florian about his implementation of the same - I seem to recall it taking substantially shorter amount of tim.

3. There is no requirement that we have to do it everytime the repo is changed. Only if it is changed substantively.

> So, looking at positives and negatives, for putting it in a package:
> Package:
> * Allows us to ship the data on the media, so the user doesn't have to
> "download metadata" every time they open the application tool

Yah - they'll just have stale data.

> * Allows us to query the database directly, rather than convincing PackageKit
> [to download us the single chunk of metadata and then import the metadata into
> the system database, as root]

We don't have to import that metadata as root, now. Yum hasn't had to do that for quite some time. Moreover it's just a sqlite db.

> * Means we share the *same tools* as Ubuntu, Suse and Foresight.

this definitely falls into the IBIWISI category considering we do not seem to be sharing ANY tools with any of these distros to speak of.

> Metadata:
> * Allows us to ignore the fact that there are a few different licenses

A few? Really?

> * Means we have to dedicate 4 hours per compose (possibly quicker if you have
> the rpms locally, but as we've discussed, the builders don't)

And you don't need to do this at all if you extract the data from the pkgdb.

> * We have data changing daily that differs by only a few superficial entries

And this is why you cache entries and update the db.

> * Means we can't use external data sources, for instance application usage
> stats

We can use whatever data sources we want, in fact.

> * The app-install hooks in yum or PackageKit do not exist, and no-one is
> willing to write code for them. I've heard lots and lots of stop energy from
> the yum guys, but nobody has offered to write any code.

I think what you've heard from us is years of experience cautioning you from chasing down a blind alley.