Comment 38 for bug 38512

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Vincenzo Ciancia (vincenzo-ml) wrote : Re: [Bug 38512] Re: Window close should close, not quit

Il giorno sab, 28/06/2008 alle 04.14 +0000, Ian ha scritto:
> I should be consistent like every other popular music app on Linux
> Amarok, Listen, Banshee... it should close to the tray icon.

It *does* seem to me like developers are just waiting for people to
forget this. Just asking for a stupid option is not enough. It seems
that the only viable alternative is a fork. I will not do this anyway,
because I have better things to do. However I can't but notice the lack
of any will to dialogue with users. In ubuntu we have transmission and
pidgin installed by default. They make a certain use of the notification
area. Then, we have rhythmbox. It makes a different use of the
notification area. Nobody wants to comment on this except for saying
"things are not going to change".

I personally don't see why I should see a notification icon disappear
when I close a window that I open clicking on it. Its not logical. NO
ubuntu application does this by default.

Looking for examples?

The blue round pair of arrows that signals that you need to reboot the
machine. It's in front of me right now. I click on it, and it tells me
to reboot. I have NO WAY to make it disappear. Very cool. I can only
reboot my machine or keep the thing there forever. Closing the window
won't make the notice disappear.

And it is a notification, after all. As that is a "notification area"
the notice should disappear after I ack it. Instead, there is no way.

For normal applications, that are not just notices, like pidgin or
transmission, it's not even under question that the application should
quit when I close the window. Why? Because I can open the window
clicking on the icon, then the window is seen as *dependent* from the
icon. So how it is that I can open a window clicking on a symbol on the
screen, and then I can make the symbol on the screen disappear by
closing this dependent window?

Take the mixer, the network icon and so on. There is no other
application I can see installed by default, that shows a symbol in the
upper right corner of the screen, that exhibits the following behaviour:
1) click on the symbol 2) close the window that appears 3) see the
symbol disappear.

The only application that does this is rhythmbox. Please just
acknowledge this.

And now say that I am unpolite and I don't respect free software. I just
don't respect being mercyless ignored for months and years and having to
fork a package just for the sake of people I install ubuntu to.