Comment 26 for bug 494623

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Daniel Kulesz (kuleszdl) wrote :

Regarding prototype 5: I am still not very convinced. This are my concerns:

- I hate the concept of a "double click", except for editing a "non moving" target. In our case the finding would expand its details and therefore change size/position.
- I think the shown situation with the editing window open in mid of the findings is rather an exception, than the normal case.
- I don't like this bar at the bottom, it is too far away from the manipulated object.
- Same goes for the editing buttons.
- the central "add new finding" button is proportionally underrepresented and hidden in the button bar.

I made a new prototype 5-2b. I still don't like it too much, but wanted to share some ideas with it.

Come on guys, there must be a good working solution for a stupid "list, sort and add items" dialog?