Comment 17 for bug 606956

Revision history for this message
Toby Fox (tobyfox) wrote :

For those that end up here in the future having issues with getting extended info (the stuff that lets RescueTime know what specific pages you are visiting) working with Chromium, here is what worked for me:

-Having installed the default RescueTime Linux Uploader (version 99) and finding it useless with Chromium, I went to Joseph Lisee's experimental branch (, downloaded that branch using bzr (in a console run: bzr branch lp:~jlisee/rescuetime-linux-uploader/experimental), and followed the README file to install his version on top of the one I already had.
-I removed the official RescueTime extension for chrome since, as people have said, it doesn't connect with your account., just creates a separate mini-account for just your browsing activity. We need to install an unofficial extension that the Linux uploader can use to get the extended info.
-I followed all of Paul Dubs directions (above) to install the extension from chrome_extension iyoun the experimental branch just downloaded. Also make extend_info executable and create that symlink.
-AND THEN THERE IS ONE MORE STEP I HAD TO DO: I had to do was edit the "extended_info" script (i.e. sudo gedit /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/RescueTimeUploader-105-py2.6.egg/RescueTimeUploader/extensions/Google-chrome/extended_info). Near the top (for me line #42) you'll find a line that begins "localStorageDir = join(...". This line tells RescueTime what folder to look for the local storage in which the chrome extension we just installed stores the current URL being viewed. In that line replace "google-chrome" with "chromium" so that the script knows to look in the folder where chromium puts it.

NOTE: the Linux uploader will now not work with the official Google Chrome browser, only Chromium. If you got it working with Google Chrome before, but now want it to work with Chromium, after doing all the steps above you may have to delete the file in which the Linux uploader was keeping track in order to get that extended info (rm ~/.rescuetime/google-chrome_extension-id.txt).

Good luck folks.