Comment 0 for bug 1639352

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brosner (brosner) wrote :

I am trying to use django-rest-framework's RequestsClient with requests_mock. This has taken me down quite the rat hole. After reading a ton of the requests_mock code, I've concluded that the best way for me to do this is to essentially exclude the requests being made to http://testserver.

To do this, I create my own mocker instance before decorating my classes:

mocker = requests_mocker.Mocker()
mocker.register_uri(requests_mock.ANY, re.compile(r"^https?://testserver/"), real_http=True)

class MyAPITestCase(APITestCase):

    client_class = RequestsClient


However, this does not work. After digging around, I discovered this is due to Mocker.decorate_class making a copy of itself, but failing to include the adaptor on the copy.

A quick fix for my code is to override `copy`:

class Mocker(requests_mock.Mocker):

    def copy(self):
        m = Mocker(
        m._adapter = self._adapter
        return m

Everything works as expected. I'd love to submit a patch, but I don't have a ton of time to work through all the contribution guidelines for the OpenStack project.