Comment 124 for bug 937522

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Martin G Miller (mgmiller) wrote :

Damir Butmir:
This may be a problem on the Windows machine itself. There are 2 things to try.

First, put something in the clipboard by "ctrl-c ing" any random text on your local Linux machine before trying to copy from the XP box. If this works, then I agree, its' still a bug in Remmina, even if the dev says it's normal behavior.

Second, the XP remote clipboard in Windows may be hung. I have found this to be a problem NOT exclusive to RDP in Linux. It is also reported as a long standing problem in all Windows OS's when running RDP. Once you have the remote session open, run the Windows task manager (right click the task bar and select task manager) and look for the process rdpclip.exe. End task on this process and then at the top of the task manager window, click on File > New Task (Run) and enter rdpclip.exe in the dialog box and run it. Now try your clipboard and see if it is working.

If that fixes it for you, then it's a Windows problem. I have created a small batch file that I leave on the Windows desktop that I can click on to quickly end and restart the rdpclip.exe.

Place the following in a file called clipboard.bat
Taskkill.exe /im rdpclip.exe

I actually got this info from a Windows discussion site where many people who only run Windows were having the same problem.