Comment 1 for bug 1008546

Revision history for this message
floid (jkanowitz) wrote :

On a related note, being able to set fixed target times rather than fancily geolocated, and being able to kick off a transition to [for example] 'nighttime' over N minutes/hours would be very useful for people forced to live by the clock or wanting to keep normal settings until intentionally trying to go to bed in N minutes.

[The first case would be very nice to be able to 'leave everything alone' most of the day but still have an automatic reminder that it's past midnight, say.]

Apologies if I already said this somewhere - I think I might've kept it to myself thinking "I should try to write a patch someday", but it just came to mind again now that I've set up a desk lamp with a manually-triggered 30 minute 'sunset' timer.