Comment 1 for bug 1054938

Revision history for this message
Max Sudyin (msudyin) wrote :

Update with step-by-step instructions how to get Local Avatars working on Redmine 2.x:
1. Check out the latest revision of redmine_local_avatars:
~# cd /your/redmine/directory/plugins
~# bzr branch lp:redminelocalavatars

2. Create missing view folder:
~# mkdir redminelocalavatars/app/views/my

3. Rename .erb.html files to .html.erb:
~# mv redminelocalavatars/app/views/users/{_avatar.erb.html,avatar.html.erb}
~# mv redminelocalavatars/app/views/hooks/redmine_local_avatars/_view_my_account_contextual{.erb.html,.html.erb}

4. Put copy of avatars.html.erb to app/views/my:
~# cp redminelocalavatars/app/views/{users,my}/avatar.html.erb

5. Comment out render: partial line in lib/my_controller_patch.rb:
~# sed '/render :partial/s~^~#~' -i redminelocalavatars/lib/my_controller_patch.rb

6. Restart your redmine service. For me it is thin:
~# /etc/init.d/thin restart