Comment 1 for bug 695020

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moma (osmoma) wrote :

The recorder gets ready-made pipelines from GNOME's GConf regisitry. Please start gconf-editor
$ gconf-editor
and browse to System -> gstreamer -> audio -> profiles.

There you will find default pipelines for various audio formats (mp3, ogg, etc). The recorder uses these.

Here is a sample command that records from pulsesrc to test1.ogg.

$ gst-launch pulsesrc ! queue ! audioconvert ! audio/x-raw-float,rate=44100,channels=2 ! vorbisenc name=enc quality=0.5 ! oggmux ! filesink name=output-sink location=test1.ogg

And I can see that the quality=0.5 parameter is added to the pipeline.

Gst-inspect command can tell us more about the ogg (vorbisenc) encoder.
$ gst-inspect vorbisenc
quality: Specify quality instead of specifying a particular bitrate, -0.1 - 1.0.

Similarly the MP3 encoder has also a quality parameter.
$ gst-inspect lamemp3enc
quality: VBR Quality from 0 to 10, 0 being the best.

It seems that the quality (or bitrate) value can be fairly easily implemented to the GUI.

BTW: There will not be new versions of rec-applet. Why?
Because (AFAIK) neither Ubuntu's Unity Desktop nor GNOME 3.0 Shell will have toolbar-applets.
So I have planned to give rec-applet a new name;. It will be "audio-recorder". It will also have many new features.
Here is a preliminary picture of the new audio-recorder: