Comment 1 for bug 2051392

Revision history for this message
Pjfloyd (pjfloyd) wrote :

Initial version.

I'm not sure what should be done with __mempcpy. Is that an alias that should also by type FUNC and have a size?

With this I get

paulf@raspberrypi:~/scratch/arm-mem $ readelf -s | grep FUNC | grep GLOB
     7: 00003094 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 9 mempcpy
     8: 000030a8 200 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 9 memset
     9: 00003170 320 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 9 strlen
    10: 0000211c 3960 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 9 memmove
    12: 00000b08 5652 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 9 memcpy
    13: 00000480 1672 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 9 memcmp
    88: 0000211c 3960 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 9 memmove
    89: 00000b08 5652 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 9 memcpy
    91: 00003094 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 9 mempcpy
    93: 00000480 1672 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 9 memcmp
    95: 000030a8 200 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 9 memset
    97: 00003170 320 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 9 strlen

which is certainly better.