Comment 2 for bug 1469622

Revision history for this message
Kun Huang (academicgareth) wrote :

Dear Pawel and Chris

Firstly, perfect cleanup design is still on designing. Currently your questions could be answered as:

a) expose this timeout somewhere, so that user can configure it in a way that suits his environment
I'll submit a patch for it

b) resources that rally fails to delete should be renamed to something meaningfull (i.e. failed_remove_rally-XXXXXXX), and it should not retry deleting it in future runs.
It is meaningful in current naming style. Now rally creates resources with certain name prefix and deletes those resources who has those prefix. If first round rally task leaves something undeleted, next round task would still find out the rally resources and delete that. If some resources created by rally don't have proper prefix, it is a bug.

c) there should be a way to limit the number of "unremovable" resources, defined in config file, which will prevent rally from creating too many of them. If the number of renamed resources reaches treshold, rally should fail the task IMO.
That's a kind of workaround. I think this could be involved in new cleanup design not be implemented in the current one.


1) new designs:
pls follow and contribute your ideas or join our meeting

2) example workaround for removing undeleted resources
    source admin-token.rc
    nova list --all-tenants | grep rally
    nova delete <rally_xxxxxx or its id>