Comment 1 for bug 838559

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Rick Spencer (rick-rickspencer3) wrote :

I think these are all already taken care of, though not simply.

 - There already is an "end-of-file" signal which is set up for exactly your setting up looping and going to the next tracj.
 - You can set the "seek" position very easily.
 - You can get ahold of the slider in the player, and set the range, attach to events on it, poll the position, etc...

So, you can do what you suggest already, but it might be nice though to:
 - offer a convenience function like
These could take -1 for either slot, which would mean just start at the beginning or the end.
Then we would have to decide if we want a different signal as you suggest, or to change the name of the existing signal to cover the scenario.

I wonder if a signal for a certain position reached in the media might be nice.

player.signal_at_position(time, callback)

then you wouldn't have to poll to do things at different times.