Comment 0 for bug 976817

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Dražen Lučanin (kermit666) wrote :

I am trying to work on a Quickly project created after the ubuntu-application template from PyDev. Now, this process is currently quite hard for several reasons:

- there is no "entry python script" that can be launched simply (the bin/<project_name> is the same name as the main code module which causes attribute errors, it doesn't have a .py extension etc.)
- the settings schemas are handled inside the quickly run command which makes the program depend on quickly; running just the bin/<project_name> in a terminal causes a missing schema error

In my oppinion, a partial solution would be:
- create a script called bin/<project_name> or something similar so that users can run the project easily from external IDEs
- add the snippet from quickly's to compile the schemas to this dev_launcher:
### BEGIN inserted from Quickly's
# Compile schema if present
schemapath = os.path.abspath("data/glib-2.0/schemas")
if os.path.exists(schemapath):["glib-compile-schemas", schemapath])
### END

This still requires from the user to append ":/path/to/your/project/data" to XDG_DATA_DIRS manually (can't this be solved more elegantlly?), such as by setting this environment variable inside PyDev's launch configuration, but at least no files must be editted after creating a project.

All in all, I think the goal should be for the project generated from a Quickly template to be completely autonomous of Quickly itself for all development runs, tests etc. to enable various workflows for this and not just manually editing the files and using a terminal.