Comment 8 for bug 683342

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Didier Roche-Tolomelli (didrocks) wrote :

I totally agree with the fact that developers shouldn't bother about translations (and all my goal in not devoting a command for it is in that direction).

However, I think there is a little misunderstanding about what the commands are supposed to work, let me summarize:

quickly package -> this package current version for *you* to try it, there is no launchpad interaction and you don't need to setup your project in launchpad yet. I just produce a .deb for you to test on your system and should be use for local usage.

* quickly share -> share your current snapshot (alpha/beta) with friends. There is no bump in the versioning. It pushes the code to launchpad as well as a package (and create the packaging if you never created one before)

* quickly release -> do a proper release, bumping the revision *inside* your application (and not only the packaging), doing the packaging work for you if not already done, pushing the code and deliver it to your issues

So, you can:
$ quickly create ubuntu-application foo
$ quickly release

quickly package is totally optional in this workflow. You don't need it to "refresh" your package. Quickly release and quickly share are doing those steps for you.

Now, how to hook translations into that?
there is multiple steps: exporting the transations and importing them.
If you do that on quickly release -> it's too late, you export your translation to launchpad, but as you are making a new release, you won't import them anymore for *that* precise release.
On the contrary, systematically importing the translation on a release make sense as you want your users to have the latest and greatest of the translators work.

So, ok, import == release (I don't see much value to import during quickly share as it's just a snapshot, and even less with quickly package as it shouldn't interact with launchpad as I want to be able to build my project on the plane).

now export… if we want to automate that to launchpad, we want to export *before* making a new release, but we need also to connect to launchpad for that. That's a tuff question… quickly save will make sense as you change your code, but it also means that you maybe don't want to push your code to launchpad.

There is bug #688500 where we discussed on IRC about a "quickly sync" command when you work on multiple machine to ensure you always have the latest version of your code. This will use launchpad for synchronizing, so maybe the right place to put it? "syncing your code and your translation"? What do you think?