Comment 1 for bug 713025

Revision history for this message
Timo Westkämper (timo-westkamper) wrote :

A basic separation of Morphia and Mongodb parts has now been done. com.mysema.query.mongodb contains the general part and com.mysema.query.mongodb.morphia the Morphia specific part.

For an alternative ORM layer on top of Querydsl Mongodb you would need to

* subclass MongodbQuery like MorphiaQuery to supply transformer etc
* subclass MongodbSerializer like MongodbSerializer for annotation based field name extraction
* create an annotation processor like MorphiaAnnotationProcessor

Study the Morphia layer to see how it's done. To use the dependency without Morphia just add an exclusion. Using code from the com.mysema.query.mongodb package is without Morphia references.