Comment 2 for bug 1463073

Revision history for this message
Dorian Scholz (dorianscholz) wrote :

Hi Adam,

thanks for the very prompt response!

A decent value for the maximum thumbnail size pretty much depends on the physical resolution of your screen (DPI/PPI) and you personal preference of physical size of the thumbnail on the screen.
On my 15.4" 1920x1080 laptop I have 143 DPI:
(1920**2 + 1080**2)**0.5 / 15.4 = 143.0

As thumbnail size I prefer 600px which displays the thumbnails about 4.2 inches high::
600 / 143.0 = 4.2

Newer laptops have even higher DPI values of up to 282 from what I found on:

So to get my preference of 4.2 inch thumbnail size on a 282 DPI laptop the pixel size would need to be 1184px:
4.2 * 282 = 1184.4

As the DPI will surely grow even further and someone's preference for thumbnail size might even be bigger than mine, I would recommend using a value higher than this.
Maybe 1600px sounds like a nice value for now, but this might change again in a year or two...

But is there any need to restrict the value at all?
Or could it just have a tool tip warning that very large sizes will decrease performance?

As for the dynamic size change:
Could the thumbnail view simply be a second PDF view with automatically scaled pages to fit the width?
Or would that be too much of a performance overhead?
