Comment 11 for bug 1028295

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Amit Keret (amitkeret-i) wrote :

I've used Recoll in the past, also for similar purposes (when doing academic research/work).
I found two downsides to it that made me prefer something like this feature request:

1. A desktop-based indexer indexes A LOT of stuff, and all these things come up in search results. I know that you can search only certain files, only certain folders... but this of course requires more configuration and hassle when all you want is to search through 3-5 documents and nothing else.

2. The UI is obviously completely separated from qpdfview. What I need most of all is a direct connection between the search I just performed and the documents. So, when searching, I can zip through all occurrences, and clicking each result will "jump" to that document... etc. That can't really be done when you're working with a completely separate application, but only when it's integrated to the document reader itself.

Having said all that... this is just my two cents. I realize it's not a small feature and of course in the meantime an working around the lack of it. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the many updates to this application, it just keeps getting better :)

Thanks, Amit